Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Final Project - Framing a Morning

My Final Project, Framing a Morning, is a spinoff of my first video project this term combined with the use of photography in the the fourth project. In a style similar to stop-motion I travel throughout my morning routine using music to move along the narrative. I attempted to have photo transitions match up with certain parts of the beat, a task that proved to be both tricky and rewarding while editing. While creating this project I kept the words of Marshall McLuhan in mind. He's quoted saying: "Our time presents a unique opportunity for learning by means of humor - a perceptive or incisive joke can be more meaningful than platitudes lying between two covers." The truth in these words are immeasurable! Making learning enjoyable and stimulating is one of the most beautiful things when done successfully, a great example of that being Jon Stewart on The Daily Show. In my project I did my best to have a light hearted feel with the music and the occasional funny picture to make the process of learning about my morning routine, a stimulating and exciting one.

You can find the video through the link above

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